Long Road Talent

Lorelei Mathias

Lorelei Mathias is award-winning comedy writer/performer/show-runner. Her novel ‘Break Up Club’ (Harper Collins) is currently being developed as sitcom.

She has a large following as an ADHD content creator. As an ADHD advocate, she appears across the media talking/writing about what it’s like to live with ADHD (feeling like a fish out of water). She has collaborated with CALM, The ADHD foundation and World Mental Health Day. She has a flair for sketch, comedy drama and laugh-out-loud dialogue and is a show-runner for her global neurodiverse collective Melon Comedy. She has written and performed for Dead Ringers, DMs are Open, Breaking The News and Green Wing (S3). Her work has won awards / been nominated at Edinburgh TV Festival (twice), Funny Women, BBC New Comedy Awards and Lit Laughs Festival.

She’s also a literal mermaid performing her comedy parody ‘Under the Pee’ at for Surfers Against Sewage and other activist organisations.

You can find her at www.loreleimathias.com @loreleimathias and @loreleimelonymathias